Hong Mai HOANG1,, Thi Hong DUONG1
1 National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vietnam

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A descriptive, epidemiological study was performed and retrospective data of pertussis (whooping cough) were analyzed to describe situation of pertussis in Vietnam in the period of 2011-2015. Research results showed that with high coverage of pertussis vaccine at more than 90% in many years, pertussis has been successfully controlled. In the period of 2011 – 2015, Vietnam has achieved the target of pertussis less than 0.1 case /100,000 population. However, in 2015, pertussis outbreak occurred in some cities and provinces with 309 cases (0.4/100,000 population) reported in 42/63 provinces. Pertussis cases were mainly in young children who were unimmunized or not fully immunized. For the strategy of pertussis control in Vietnam, continued immunization activity for maintaining the coverage of DPT-HepB-Hib3 to children under one year of age and DPT4 to children 18-24 months of age at more than 90% in district scale is very important. Recommendation of pertussis vaccination for pregnant woman is necessary, it is for neonate to be early prevented from pertussis within the first two months of life.

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