Danh Tuyen LE1,, Thi Hop LE2, Nguyen Bao Khanh LE1, Hong Truong NGUYEN1
1 National Institute of Nutrition
2 Vietnam Association of Nutrition

Main Article Content


Under nutrition in children remains a public health issue in many countries worldwide,
including Vietnam. The research is performed under SEANUTS aiming to evaluate nutrition status of Southeast Asian children.
Method: Cross-sectional study was performed in
3,600 children aged 6 months to 11 years from 6 provinces and cities of Vietnam (Ha Noi,
Ha Nam, Quang Binh, Hue City, and Ho Chi Minh City & Ben Tre). All the children participating were weighed, measured and examined of their diet and physical activity. The
nutrition classification is based on WHO 2007.
Results: As of SEANUTS results, the rate
of child underweight in urban areas was 10.8%, in rural was 20.8%. Besides, the trend of
overweight and obesity also shows an alarming increase, to approximately 1/3 in urban
Conclusions: Both under nutrition and obesity simultaneously exist in Vietnamese
children: high rates of malnutrition in rural areas and overweight and obesity concentrate
mainly in urban areas. Programs against child under nutrition in rural areas and programs
on preventing obesity for children especially in urban areas should be oriented. Obesity
proliferation in urban areas is an urgent public health issue that should be intervened at
early phase.

Article Details


1. World Health Organization (2012), Global database on child growth and malnutrition. Geneva: Geneva, 2012.
2. Government of Vietnam (2012), National Nutrition Strategy 2011-2020. Hanoi, 2012.
3. National Institute of Nutrition (2011), Vietnam: Nutrition situation in 2010. Hanoi, 2011.
4. UNICEF and National Institute of Nutrition (2012), Vietnam: General Nutrition Survey 2009-2010. Hanoi, 2012.
5. General Statistical Office (2012), Statistical yearbook 2011. Hanoi: Statistical Publishing House, 2012.
6. Ponce N, Gertler P, Glewwe P (1998), Will Vietnam grow out of malnutrition? In: Dollar D, Gewwe P, Litvack J, eds. Household welfare and Vietnam’s transition. Washington, D.C: World Bank, 1998; 257-275.
7. General Statistical Office (2001), Living Standards During an Economic Boom: The Case of Vietnam: Child Malnutrition. Hanoi: Statistical Publishing House, 2001.
8. General Statistical Office (2011), Vietnam living standard survey, 2010. Hanoi: Statistical Publishing House, 2011.