Thi Ngan Ha HO1,
1 An Giang University

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This study was done to develop the process of producing "shellfish minced on cucumber" which is preferable by the consumers, ensures food safety and achieves high economic value. Research investigated the effects of cucumber blanching; the proportion of ingredients including shellfish, pork and abalone mushroom; the proportion of polyphosphates additive, as well as the proportion of mixture of shellfish, pork, abalone mushroom and cucumber on quality of the product. The research results demonstrated that: With CaCl2 concentration of 1% and blanching duration in 30 seconds, the cucumber kept a good structure, nice color and taste. The optimal proportion between shellfish: pork: abalone mushroom was 46: 45: 9. When the proportion of polyphosphate was 0.3%, product had
a high humidity and good toughness. Rolling the mixture of shellfish, pork, abalone mushroom on cucumber with the proportion 1:1 would give the best organoleptic properties.

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