Thi Thanh Ha DAO1,, Thi To Quynh CUNG1
1 Hanoi University of Science and Technology

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The objective of the study was to investigate the behaviors for sausage products in the market of Hanoi consumers (n = 150). Questionnaire survey was designed on two key issues: sausage market information and consumer choice on sausage products. The results showed that consumers had known about the sausage product mainly through television advertisement (58.3%) or their relatives (56.9%). They usually purchased these products in supermarkets (81.2%) or convenient stores (43%) or the company stores (12.8%). Retort sausage (65.3%) and smoked sausage (48.7%) had been normally chosen. The criteria on food quality (82.2%), price (63.7%) and brand name (52.7%) of products were the most interested factors when purchasing the sausage products. On the other hand, the second evaluation was carried out on consumer preference: a panel of 70 consumers assessed the preference of sixth commercial sausage products on a 9-point scale (1-extremely dislike, 9-extremely like). The result showed that 3 types of pasteurized sausage and 3 types of smoked product were preferred at 5.23 – 7.20 points.

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