Quoc Hung PHAM1,, Danh Tuyen LE2, Cong Khan NGUYEN2, Do Huy NGUYEN2, Thuy Nga TRAN2, Dinh Thoang DANG
1 Consortium for Health Action
2 National Institute of Nutrition, Viet Nam

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A cross-sectional survey to describe the situation of nutritional anemia in pregnant women and related factors was conducted in 2013 in Ha Nam province with 657 pregnant women at 6 – 16th gestational week. Results showed that the population had anemia at moderate level of 20.7% among pregnant women. In which, moderate anemia took 3.7%; mild anemia took 17% and no severe anemia. The rate of low iron storage (serum ferritin <30 µg/L) was 17.4%, of which 4.3% had depleted iron storage (serum ferritin <15µg/L). Anemia rate in pregnant women tended to increase by age. Those under 23 years old had the lowest rate of 18.7%, then those at 24-28 years old with 19.6%, and those over 29 years old with the highest rate of 25% (p<0.05 among 3 age groups). The study provided data on anemia in pregnant women to design necessary interventions.

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