Thi Dang NGO, Thi Nhung NINH1,, Lê Đức Cường1, Thi Kim Anh DINH2
1 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Hanoi University of Public Health

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Aims: To evaluate malnutrition preventive activities for children under 5 years old in 2 communes Yen Tam and Dinh Hoa in Yen Dinh district, Thanh Hoa province in 2022.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional study from June 2022 to September 2022. The study included 38 health officials and 67 nutritional collaborators in the communes.

Results: About 39.5% of the health workers and 23.7% of the department officials knew the function of health care for all people, production development and food source creation. About 44.8% of nutritional collaborators and village health workers participated in meal performance activities and 53.7% participated in scoring grow charts.

Malnutrition preventive activities only focused on educational communication (86.8%); The activities of weighing, measuring children and monitoring development charts accounted for 70%; the consulting activities accounted for 68.4%.

Conclusion: The rate of nutritional and health collaborators knowing the activities needed to be implemented to prevent malnutrition was still low. It is necessary to organize training courses to improve the quality of the network including knowledge and practice for nutritional collaborators and village health workers on activities to prevent malnutrition for children under 5 years old.


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