Research On Processing Of “Gio Lua” Using Nature Original Additive and Micronutrients Added

Mỹ Hạnh Lê1,, Thi Lan Huong TRAN2, Thi Nhung TRAN2
1 Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam
2 Vietnam National University of Agriculture

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Aims: This study aimed to identify safe, natural additives with appropriate concentration to replace borax - an additive banned by the Ministry of Health in 2003, to stiffen big sausage“gio lua” and determine the percentage calcium and vitamin D added to the product.

Methods: The tested additives were modified starch, chitofood and soybean germ meal in: 0, 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% concentrations. Micronutrient ratios (calcium and vitamin D) investigated: 0 µg/100g and 0 µg/100g, 3 µg/100g and 210 µg/100g, 4 µg/ 100g and 280 µg/100g, 5 µg/100g and 350 µg/ 100g. The study used popular and modern analytical methods such as the determination of moisture by drying method to constant weight, protein content by Kjeldhal method (TCVN 10034:2013), lipid content By Shoxlet method (TCVN 4592: 1988), Vitamin D content determined using HPLC according to TCVN 8973: 2011, Calcium content determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy according to TCVN 10916: 2015. Results: The modified starch with the addition rate of 1% is selected to create a crunchy texture for the product and a reasonable price. The ratio of calcium and vitamin D supplementation was 4 mcg / 100g and 280 mg / 100g, respectively. The steamed big sausage “gio lua” has calcium and vitamin D content of 3.52 mcg / 100g and 274.52 mg / 100g.

Conclusion: The most suitable additive ratio of natural origin for processing pork sausage is 1% modified starch for a product with good nutritional quality, structure, and sensory quality.


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