Dang Truong NGUYEN1,, Thuy Nga TRAN2, Thi Nhung BUI2, Danh Tuyen LE2
1 Ha Dong College of Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Objectives: The objective of this study was to test the effect of a daily ready-to-usesupplement foods (RUSF) fortified with 21 micronutrients providing 225 kcal (Hebi-Mam)
on hemoglobin status of pregnant women in 10 communes, An Lao district, Hai Phong
city. Subjects and methods: A group of 398 pregnant women with gestational ages of 6 to
16 wk were enrolled in a randomized controlled trial, in which study women in 3 groups
received at least 20 wk of either iron (58 mg) and folic acid (400 µg) supplementation or
multiple micronutrient supplementation including 30 mg iron and 400 µg folic acid or
Hebi-Mam including 30 mg iron and 400 µg folic acid. Hemoglobin was measured at
baseline (6-16 gestational weeks) and at near term (36 gestational weeks) by cyanmethemoglobin method. Results: The three interventions were equally effective in increasing
hemoglobin concentrations, with a mean increase of 3.3 g/l in iron/folate group, 2.7g/l in
multiple micronutrient supplementation group and 3.1 g/L in food supplement group
(p<0.01). The prevalence of anemia was 26.1%, 24.8% and 24.5%, respectively. Factors
found to be important predictors of hemoglobin improvement were baseline hemoglobin
(p<0,001), gestational age at baseline (p<0.001), and ferritin < 15 mcg/l (p<0.01). Conclusion and recommendation: The RUSF Hebi-Mam was as effective as the multiple micronutrient tablet and iron/folate tablet in maintaining hemoglobin status during pregnancy.
Therefore, this locally produced RUSF Hebi-Mam could become a promising strategy to
be included into maternal intervention programs in Vietnam, to contribute to the optimal
nutrient intake and to improve nutritional status of women during the critical period of

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