Thi Mai Phuong TUAN1,, Tuyet Mai TRUONG1, Thi Lam NGUYEN1
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Proper nutrition plays a key role in preventing micronutrient deficiencies in pregnant women. Low biological value diet is one of the causes leading to micronutrient deficiencies, especially for deficiency of Zinc- a micronutrient which is found in highest concentration in animal source food. A longitudinal study was conducted on 80 pregnant women living in Hanoi outskirts aiming to identify the trend of food consumption and Zinc deficiency among pregnancies at one month before and 6 months after delivery. Results: Energy intakes of these women at these two points were 2064 kcal/day and 2004 kcal/day, meeting 82% and 78.5% of the recommended allowance, respectively. Their dietary intakes of iron at T0 and T1 were about 16mg/day, calcium intakes at two points were 613.3mg/day and 569.6mg/day, respectively. The average dietary zinc consumption was 12 mg/day. At the two points of the survey time, serum zinc concentration was at low level (7.3µg ± 1.6 and 9.6µg ± 1.3); prevalence of zinc deficiency was 60% and 27.7 %, respectively. Conclusions: Although the area has better socio-economic conditions than the rural, total energy intake
of pregnant women in Hanoi outskirt has not met the recommendation yet. The nutritional values of the diet were still poor; the prevalence of zinc deficiency remained high.

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