Thi Duc Ngan HOANG1,, Danh Tuyen LE1, Thi Thu Huong CAO1, Thi Thu Huyen NGO1, Van Phu PHAM2, Thi Giang Huong TRAN3
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam
3 Ministry of Health, Vietnam

Main Article Content


Overweight and obesity is a health concern in both developed and developing countries
with double increase in rate compared to the 1980’s decade of the last century. Obesity is
considered as the fifth leading cause of global deaths. Decreased physical activity and increased sedentary activity are major risks of overweight and obesity. Objectives of the
study: 1) to examine the association between physical activity and overweight and obesity,
and 2) to identify the characteristics of physical activity of primary school children in
some primary schools in Hai Phong.
Methodology: A cross sectional study, in which anthropometric screening on 1,460 students in 4 primary schools was conducted in October
2012 to select 292 children for self-administration of physical activity questionnaires. Results: There was no association detected between physical activity and overweight and
obesity. Primary school children participated physical activity inappropriately with the
percentage of children met recommendation for physical activity was 21.5%, time spent
for sedentary activity was significantly higher, from 1.5 to 4 times (p<0.05) than that for
physical activity. Major barriers for children to participate physical activity were related
to learning and studying with 69.6%, 37.5% and 21.4% children that could not participate
in physical activity because of doing homework, extra classes, and review/examination,

Article Details


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