Nguyen Bao Khanh LE1,, Thi Hop LE2, Hong Truong NGUYEN1, Huu Chinh NGUYEN1, Thi Xuyen HOANG3, Ilse Khouw4, Paul Deurenberg5
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Vietnam Association of Nutrition
3 Vietnam National Institute of Metal Health
4 FrieslandCampina
5 Malaysia

Main Article Content


Vietnamese children aged below 12 years are facing a double burden of malnutrition
with the simultaneous existence of both under and over nutrition. Their daily food intake
does not meet the Vietnamese RDA for a range of nutrients, especially of calcium and
vitamin D. This situation is known to affect the learning ability of children. Purpose of
this study is to find out if there is an association between nutritional status and IQ and
if so, how the relationship is. The analysis was done on 1893 primary school children
aged 6-11 years using a ordinal logistic regression model in detecting relationships between IQ (determined by Raven test) with nutrient intakes (assessed by 24 hour-recall
method for one most recent day) and nutritional anthropometry status. The statistics
were done on weighed data. The results showed that IQ had no relationship with current
nutrient intakes, whereas it had a positive relationship with age, HAZ, education of
mother and wealth index - those are indicators relating to long-term nutritional intakes
and nutritional status.

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