Thuy Nga TRAN1,, Nguyen Bao Khanh LE1, Thi Hop LE2
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Vietnam Association of Nutrition

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A cross-sectional study has been conducted in 194 children aged 0.5- 5 and 388 aged 6-11 to investigate the prevalence of anemia among primary school children in 6 provinces across Vietnam. Hemocue method was applied to measure the amount of hemoglobin in children aged 0.5 to 5.9 and auto counter was applied in children aged 6 to 11. Results: The prevalence of anemia in children under 6 years of age was 23%, 25% in rural areas and 20% in urban areas. The prevalence of anemia varied by age groups. The youngest children (6 – 24 months) sufferred the highest prevalence of anemia compared to other groups (25.9% in urban and 54.3% in rural). The prevalence of anemia in school children (6-11 years) was 11.8% (11.3% in urban and 13.7% in rural), which was classified as mild level of public health significant problem. The percentage
of children with depleted iron reserves (ferritin <15ug / L) was 6%. The prevalence of children with low iron stores (ferritin <30ug / L) was 28.8%. The rate of iron deficiency anemia (Hb <11.5 g / dl and ferritin <30ug / L) was 23.9%. There was a positive association between Hb concentration and MCV in school-aged children.
Conclusion: Anemia in children is a public health significant problem. The prevention of anemia should be promoted by appropriate interventions to lower the prevalence of anemia among
children in the community in the next coming years.

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