Thi Phuong Lan TRAN, Bao Ngoc TRINH1, Thi Kim Tien NGUYEN2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam Ministry of Health

Main Article Content


Ensuring adequate nutrition for patients during hospitalization enhances the ability to
fight diseases and compensate lost energy caused by injuries.
Objectives: To assess the
ensuring of nutritional status in patients receiving nursing care level 1 at Intensive Care
Unit in Military Hospital 354 and to describe factors associated to the ensuring of nutrition
demand for patients at Intensive Care Unit.
Method: a cross-sectional study was conducted
in 185 patients and family members, combined with group discussion and in-depth interview.
Results: 42.2% of patients received adequate nutrition as required. 34.7% of patients
who had injuries reported receiving adequate nutrition. Group of patients without injury
had a higher rate at 53.7%. Patients with combined feeding routes had a higher rate of ensuring adequate nutrition compared with a single feeding route (65.6% vs. 45.3%). 96.7%
of medical staffs agreed that it is essential to ensure adequate nutrition for patient as body
requirement. Age, gender, length of receiving nursing care level 1, the presence of injury,
feeding route were factors related to the ensuring of nutritional status for patients (p <

Article Details


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