Duc Diu NGUYEN1,, Thi Hien TRAN1, Quang Dzung NGUYEN1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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objective: To describe the nutritional status of children aged 3-5 years old in some communes in Quynh Phu district, Thai Binh province. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 505 children aged 3-5 years old in An My commune, An Thanh commune and An Bai Town. Weight, height, age and sex were collected; nutritional status was classified based on the Z-Score for weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and BMI-for-age of the 2006 WHO child growth standards. results: The prevalence of underweight was 6.7%, stunting was 6.9%, wasting was 6.7%; overweight-obesity was 4.7%. Conclusions: The prevalence of under nutrition of children was relatively low; the presence of overweight-obesity confirms the co-existing double burden of malnutrition among children 3-5 years old in the study areas.

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