Bao Ngoc TRINH1,, The Mai DINH2
1 Hanoi Medical University
2 Central Military Hospital 108

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Objective: In the context of increasingly busy life, street food is becoming more popular. Therefore, street food vendors play an important role in ensuring food hygiene for consumers. This research was carried out with the aim to describe the current status of food safety knowledge among street food vendors in Vinh Tuy ward, Hai Ba Trung district in 2015. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, interviewing 80 street food vendors in Vinh Tuy ward, Hai Ba Trung district with convenient sampling method. Results: In general, there were 72.5% of the food vendors who had good knowledge on food safety. In particular, the proportion of people with the right knowledge on the sanitary conditions of infrastructure, utensils, personal hygiene and foods were 80%, 81.25% , 83.75% and 71.25%, respectively.

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