Tran Thien Nhan PHAM1, Thi Nhung BUI2,, Huỳnh Phương Tú1, Phạm Thị Oanh3, Lê Huy Hoàng1
1 Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University
2 National Institute of Nutrition
3 Hanoi Medical University

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Aims: To assess overweight, obesity and physical activity status of migrant workers in Ho Chi Minh City.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was was carried on 320 migrant workers at a company Duc Bon Co., Ltd. Height was measured by French Microtoise ruler; weight and body fat percentage by Tanita SC–331S impedance measuring scale; measure physical activity by Global Physical Activities Questionnaire-GPAQv2. Body fat percentage is high when > 25% and > 30% in women; The WHO recommended level of physical activity is ≥ 600 MET-minutes/week.

Results: The percentage of overweight (BMI ≥ 25) was 22.8%, obesity (BMI ≥ 30) was 2.5% and high body fat percentage was 19.1%. The percentage of workers who met the WHO recommended level of physical activity was 60.9%. Employees who meet WHO's recommended levels of physical activity have a 0.28 times lower risk of becoming overweight or obese (0.17 - 0.48) compared with the rest of group.

Conclusion: The rate of obesity and overweight in migrant workers at Duc Bon Co., Ltd. is high compared to previous studies conducted in the city. Physical activities were significanly associated with overweight and obesity status of workers.

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