Thi Huong Giang LE1, Danh Tuyen LE, Huu Chinh NGUYEN, Do Van Anh NGUYEN2, Minh Phuc PHAM3, Thi Nhung BUI2,
1 Hospital No. 19-8, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam
3 Vietnam Dietetic Association

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Aims: To describe actual food intake of women aged 40-65 years with BMI 23 kg/m2 in Hanoi, 2016.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on women aged 40-65 years with BMI 23 kg/m2 in Hanoi, 2016.

Results: The dietary energy level of the study subjects was 1628 (1589,2; 1705,5) kcal /person/day. The relative proportions of energy-producing subtances as Protein:Lipid:Glucid were 14.6: 27.5: 57.9, respectively. 100% of participants had an unsatisfactory ratio of dietary Glucid, Canxi, Vitamin A

Conclusion: The dietary energy level of the study subjects was lower than that of the national survey in 2010 and 2018. The dietary energy structure was quite balanced, as Protein: Lipid: Glucid ratios. The average dietary lipids of study subjects was higher than recommendation. All study subjects did not reach the recommended levels of energy, Glucid, Calcium, and Vitamin A in the dietary intake. In the coming time, it is necessary to promote health education and communication about a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals among women aged 40-65 years.

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