Chronic energy deficiency and related factors of women of child bearing age in Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province in 2015.

Tran Viet Nga, Le Danh Tuyen, Pham Van Thuy, Tran Thuy Nga, Ninh Thi Nhung

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Chronic energy deficiency causes many bad effects to women of child bearing age such as increased risk of infection diseases and reduced immune response resulting to slow recovery when getting sick. A cross-sectional descriptive study with systematic sampling among 548 women of child bearing age from 20 to 49 years old was con- ducted in Vu Thu district, Thai Binh province. Objectives: to describe the situation of chronic energy deficiency and related factors in the subjects. The anthropometrical results showed that average height was 152.7± 4.4(cm), and weight was 46.5 ± 5.3(kg), BMI was 19.9 ± 2.0(kg/m2). The prevalence of chronic energy deficiency in general, in level I, in level II and in level III was 20.4%, 14.1%, 3.8% and 2.6% respectively.

Women with low income, having more than 2 children, having acute diarrhea in the last two months, anemic, were at risk of chronic energy malnutrition (p<0.05). It is important to actively implement nutritional interventions for this group to compensate for the deficiencies in order to improve the health and well- being of the women and their offsprings.

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