Thi Mai Phuong TUAN1,, Nam Phuong HUYNH1, Van Tan VU1, Thi Thanh Phuong DINH1, Huy Tue HA1, Viet Luan NGUYEN1, Huy Tung TRAN1, Tuan Anh VU1, Anh Hoa LE1
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam

Main Article Content


Aims: To assess dietary intake of children 3- 5 years old; to evaluate nutrition knowledge and practices on childcare.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2 communes of Son Dong district, Bac Giang province on 500 mothers/caregivers of children aged 3-5 years old.

Results: Energy intake was 1120 kcal/day, meeting 80% of energy requirement, ratio of macronutrient intake was balanced, the consumption of animal lipids was still low compared to the recommendations. Nearly ahaft of the children in the study consumed vegetables, fruits and animal source foods on the surveyed day.

Conclusion: Lipid intake was unbalanced, the percentage of children eating vegetables, fruits, and animal food during the day is not high, and the knowledge and nutritional practices of child caregivers are mainly at moderate level.

Article Details


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