Thị Trang Hoàng1,, Thi Dzung PHAM2, Ngoc Khai PHAM3, Thi Kieu Chinh PHAM2
1 Bệnh viện Đa khoa huyện Quảng Xương tỉnh Thanh Hóa
2 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy
3 Vietnam Nutrition Association

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Aims: This study aimed to identify factors associated with overweight-obesity among type 2 diabetes outpatients in Quang Xuong District General Hospital, Thanh Hoa province in 2022.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 type 2 diabetes outpatients in Quang Xuong District General Hospital, Thanh Hoa province between October and December, 2022.

The participants were measured in height and weight, and were directly interviewed on eating habits and lifestyles using a questionnaire. Factors associated with overweight-obesity were determined using the logistic regression model and the findings were shown as odds ratio with 95% confidence interval (OR and 95% CI).

Results: There were 16.0% overweight-obesity among the patients. Factors associated with obesity among participants included the habit of eating full versus eating moderatly or slightly hungry (OR = 3.87, 95%CI = 1.36-11.49), and the habit of eating at irregular times versus eating on time (OR = 1.79, 95%CI: 1.02-3.13).

Conclusions: Overweight-obesity was a health problem in outpatients with type 2 diabetes. It is necessary to develop appropriate health education and intervention programs to control this health problem.

Article Details


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