Thi Trang HOANG1,, Thi Dzung PHAM2, Ngoc Khai PHAM2, Thi Kieu Chinh PHAM2
1 Quang Xuong District Genetal Hospital, Thanh Hoa Province
2 Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Aims: To investigate the nutritional status of outpatients with type 2 diabetes at Quang Xuong District General Hospital, Thanh Hoa in 2022.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 400 outpatients. Each subject's weight, height, waist and hip circumference was measured; waist to hip ratio and body mass index (BMI) were calculated. The nutritional status of the patients were classified according to their BMI as the criteria of World Health Organization (WHO), WHO Western Pacific Region (WPRO) and Vietnam Ministry of Health (VNMOH).

Results: The rate of patients with overweight and obesity was 16.0% according to WHO criteria, and 43.5% according to WPRO and VNMOH criteria. Up to 19.2% had chronic energy defeciency, of which 16.2% were mild; 2.8% moderate level and 0.2% severe level. The rate of overweight and obesity was high at 42.5%. 73.8% and 75.5% of the patients had high waist/hip ratio and body fat density. There was a significant difference in overweight-obesity between patients with and without well-controlled blood glucose (p < 0.05).

Conclusion: The rate of overweight and obesity was very common in the outpatients with diabetes. It is necessary to strengthen propaganda activities and advise people with diabetes on clinical nutrition and lifestyle changes to control their diabetes.

Article Details


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