Xuan Ninh NGUYEN1,, Thi Kim Hoa VU2, Thi Lan Phuong NGUYEN3, Do Huy NGUYEN3
1 Vietnam Association of Nutrition
2 Phu Yen College of Medicine
3 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam

Main Article Content


Objective: To evaluate the effects of milk formula enriched probiotic and prebiotic
(Synbiotic) on immune capacity, diarrhea and respiratory infection disease of children
from 25 to 36 months old.
Methods: A randomized, double blind, controlled trial; children
were randomized to receive an milk formula with (
Synbiotic) or without Synbiotic (Control) for 5 months (400ml/day x 5 days/week). Serum IgA and fecal IgA were analyzed at
the beginning, 2.5 and 5month of the study. The number of episode and days of infection
diseases were daily collected.
Result: After 5 months, the IgA levels in serum and fecal
were increased significantly in Synbiotic group (+3.64mg/ml & +48mg/g fecal; p<0,01)
higher than that of Control group. The number of episode and days of diarrhea disease;
and the number of days of respiratory infection were significantly reduced; the risk of respiratory infection were also reduced to 34% and 86% for high (OR=0,66) and low
(OR=0,14) respiratory infection in synbiotic compared with control group.

Article Details


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