Thi Dan Thanh NGUYEN1,, Van Phu PHAM2, Ngoc Trung TRAN1
1 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine
2 Hanoi Medical University

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The aim of the study was to assess nutrition status and dietary intake of freshmen students of Pham Ngoc Thach Medical University in 2014. The study was carried out on 407 subjects. The results showed that nutrition status of students was quite good: average height of males was 168.5±6.1cm; of females was 156.0±5.2cm; average weight of males was 63.4±10.3kg; of females was 50.8±7.9kg. Average BMI of males was 22.3±3.3; of females was 20.8±2.7. Fat proportion in males was 15.7±5.9%, in females was 25.9±4.8%. Overweight and obesity rate in male students (40.0%) was more than twice as much of female ones (18.0%). Regarding dietary intake, average energy consumption was 1928.3 ± 722.6 kcal. The ratio of macronutrients P: L: G was 21.6: 24.8: 54.6. Ratio of animal protein/total protein and animal lipid/total lipid were 63.9% and 70.0%, respectively. Conclusions: Nutritional status of medical students was quite good. However, compared to other young in Asian region, it is still relatively lower. There was a remarkable high percentage of overweight and obese, especially among male students. As for dietary intake, the students’ average energy consumption reached Vietnamese RDA 2012 but there were signs of unbalance.

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