Hoang Kien TRUONG, Cong Khan NGUYEN1, Danh Tuyen LE2, Tuyet Mai TRUONG2
1 Vietnam Ministry of Health
2 National Institute of Nutrition

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Objectives: A case – control study was conducted in 126 pre-diabetic patients and 126 healthy
adults in order to define some risk factors of pre-diabetes.
Method: Anthropometric indices
(weight, height) and levels of glucose of fasting blood samples were measured. Dietary intakes,
level of physical activities, history of pregnancy were collected by questionnaires.
Results: weight
gain during pregnancy was more than 15 kg (OR= 3.62; p=0.008), waist circumference (OR=1.04;
p=0.038), high ratio of waist/hip (OR = 2.94; p = 0.001), BMI ≥23 (OR=1.67; p=0.048), no habit
of excersice (OR=1.73; p=0.036) were risk factors to pre-diabetes status in adults.

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