Nam Khanh DO1,, Thi Huong LE1, Thi Thu Lieu NGUYEN1, Quang Dzung NGUYEN1, Thi Yen DO1
1 Hanoi Medical University

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The issue of food hygiene and safety is one of the urgent issues of our country today. However, there are very few researches on the knowledge and practice of people food handlers or food business establishments. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study at 21 wards of Dong Da district and 14 wards of Long Bien district in 2015. The study on knowledge and practice on food safety of 350 respondents who are food handlers or food business establishments. Research results show that, In general, Dong Da district had better results of knowledge and practices of FSH within food businesses than in Long Bien district (74.4% achieved basic knowledge in Dong Da and 71.8% in Long Bien district). However, overall the knowledge of respondents in both districts was limited such as the percentage of people who know the correct hand washing steps in both districts around 50%. Only 13.8% of respondents in Dong Da district had knowledge of the document regulating the list of food additives, and the ratio in Long Bien district was just 5.1% and only 14.7%, 41.0% respectively of business and catering services in Long Bien and Dong Da district had proper knowledge of the symptoms of food poisoning. The rate of them did the stool test and practice toward food-borne disease prevention was low.

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