Xuan Hien TRAN1,
1 An Giang University

Main Article Content


Red-flesh dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is widely cultivated in the Mekong
Delta including An Giang province due to its high economic value. It grows well on the
mountainous lands such as Tinh Bien and Tri Ton provinces with low pest (insect) rate,
high yield and stable quality of fruit. It contains many high nutritional ingredients, which
are very good for human health such as protein, glucose, organic acids, minerals (Fe, Mg,
Ca), vitamin A, vitamin C, and so on. Moreover, it contains lycopene, known as a natural
antioxidant that can help to fight against cancer, heart diseases and reduce blood pressure.
However, the quantity of red-flesh dragon fruit becomes abundant on harvesting season,
resulting in the backlog and spoilage of fruits, but it becomes rare on the other seasons.
Therefore, this study investigated on effects of processing conditions on quality of redflesh dragon fruit juice. The results showed that the product produced from red-flesh
dragon fruit juice with water at a ratio of 1: 5, pH = 6.0, 10% of aloe vera juice, 4% of
guar gum-xanthan gum, pasteurization at 90
0C for 15 minutes had high quality in terms
of food hygiene and safety; the absorption A value; viscosity; the content of total acid, vitamin C, betacyanin content; and sensory properties (color, flavor, appearance, degree of

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