Thi Thanh Tam NGUYEN1,, Viet Thuy NONG1, Bao Ngoc TRINH2
1 Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2 Hanoi Medical University

Main Article Content


In recent years, the significant increase of overweight and obesity among children has
been observed; therefore, research on obesity among adolescence and some related factors
plays an important role in taking care of a good health for this group. Objective: To assess
the factual status and some related-factors of overweight and obesity in students of two
different secondary schools in Thái Nguyên city in 2016. Method: A cross-sectional study
was conducted on 1633 students belonging to two secondary schools of Quang Trung and
Nguyen Du which is inside Thai Nguyen city. The anthropometric indexes were collected
by measuring their weight and height. Related-factors were collected through self-filling
questionnaires. Results: The percentage of overweight and obesity was 16.6%. The risk
of obesity was 2.1 times (CI 95% 1.579-2.793) higher in males than in females. The children in families which their parents were business of officers had a higher risk of overweight and obesity of 1.9 times (CI 95% 1.28 – 2.821) than those with parents being
laborers. There was a relationship between the prevalence of overweight and obesity in
adolescence and weekly physical practice, supper at night and sweet consumption. Conclusion: The rate of overweight and obesity in secondary schools was significantly high
at 16.6%. There was a difference in the percentage of overweight students regarding gender, ages, parental occupation and the habits of activity and eating of those children.

Article Details


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