Ngoc Oanh PHAM1,, Thanh Tam PHAN2, Quoc Cuong TRAN3, Thi My Hanh LE1, Thi Giang Huong VAN1
1 Ho Chi Minh Center for Disease Control
2 Medical Center of District 10, Ho Chi Minh City
3 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Main Article Content


Aims: To estimate the prevalence of diabetes, pre-diabetes, and related factors among adults in Ho Chi Minh City.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,424 adults aged 18–69. Age, gender, weight, height, waist circumference, venous blood glucose, and blood pressure were recorded.

Results: The prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes was 8.6% and 15.5%, respectively. Both diabetes and pre-diabetes increased gradually with age, BMI, and abdominal obesity with the highest rates observed in adults aged 50-59 and those with a BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2. Age, abdominal obesity, and family history of diabetes were identified as associated factors for diabetes. The likelihood of developing diabetes increased to 4.67 times for adults aged 45 years and older (95% CI: 2.38–9.16), 3.03 (95% CI: 1.57–5.87) for abdominal obesity, and 2.47 (95% CI: 1.64–3.73) for family history of diabetes.

Conclusion: The prevalence of diabetes is increasing in Ho Chi Minh City, and preventive intervention strategies are needed to address this issue.

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