Xuan Ninh NGUYEN1,, Hong Son TRUONG1
1 Vietnam Institute of Applied Medical

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Aging is a natural process and occurs continuously during life time, especially after the age of 35. Recently, chronic inflammation is considered to be a major factor involving in the aging process, and the term “Inflam-Aging” appeared recently. The pro-inflammation marker of Cytokine such as IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, SAA were investigated and highly increased in Inflam-Aging. A proper food intake and regular physical activity with reasonable intensity contribute to important anti-inflammatory and slow down the aging process.
Exercise with light intensity, moderate, endurance and power sports, appropriate with health status, repeated every day have good effect to increase cardiovascular function, to reduce degenerative bone disease and non-communicable chronic diseases. This good effect of exercise is proven to reduce chronic inflammation and to slow down aging process. In contrast, if the training intensity is severe, irregular, causing injury (pain after training) bone, joints, muscles ... it will increase the inflammatory process and be harmful to health. Recommended sports for the elderly are meditation, yoga, chess, walking, jogging, weightlifting with moderate intensity, swimming, cycling at a mild speed. Regular daily exercise about 50-60 minutes with moderate and mild intensity and 3 times a week with strong intensity is suitable for the elderly.
For anti-inflammation, the use of pharmaceutical drugs such non-steroids, cortisone, or beta-blocker, at a reasonable dose and time, is effective in reducing inflammation.
However, the use of drugs should be considered for the elderly, because of the side effects when using over dosage or reduced liver and kidney functions. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), Growth Hormone (GH, IGF-1), Insulin, Testosterol, EPO, Glucocerticoid, Beta-Blockers, Stimulants (Amphetamine, Amiphenazole) are used some time by older peoples or athletes in sports. In order to protect athletic integrity, as well as to protect athletes' health, the prohibited list is given annually by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) published in place for athletes and sports areas.

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