PERCEPtIonS oF boDy ImagES among WomEn lIvIng In RuRal CommunES oF Phu tho PRovInCE, vIEtnam In 2014

Nam Phuong HUYNH1,, Van Cong NGUYEN
1 National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam

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Nutrition behaviour of women living in rural Vietnam, where traditional values are preserved in the modern life, is a topic that is worth to research on to enable their access to
good care. Nutrition behaviour and their perception of body image are closely linked. A
qualitative study was conducted in 2 rural communes of North Vietnam to explore contemporary perception of women body image and potential impacts on their nutrition care
behaviour. The results showed that before marriage, body image was the attractiveness of
the appearance, but after marriage it is the capacity to work, inner beauty or the tidiness
and clean of the women. During pregnancy, the perception of body image was prone to
the discomfort ability of body changes rather than concern on being fat or thin. The criteria
of being fat or thin seemed to be under the cut off point of international standards. The
subjects seemed to be more acceptable for what they have/are rather than urging for

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