Xuan Ninh NGUYEN, Thuy Duong NGUYEN1
1 University of Public Health

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Aims: To evaluate the effects of proper dietary and exercise practice on bone mineral density mass (BMD), bone quality index (BQI), and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA)  in a person aged 60 years.

Methods: The daily diet provides 2000Kcal, 1200mg Ca, 1.7mg protein/kg of body weight, 3800IU vitamin D, etc. Exercise  3 times/week x 60 minutes/time with moderate and heavy intensity; 45minutes daily with moderate and light intensity, and 8 hours working at office. Bone quality measured by QUS instrument every 6 months.

Results:  At the beginning of the intervention, the T-score of heel bone was -2.4 (64.5%, high risks of osteoporosis), and increased to 0.8 (113% of good level) at the end of the intervention. Other indicators such as BQI and BUA also improved from 69.1pt & 39.5dB/MHz at the beginning to 121.1 pt (+95.6%) and 108.1dB/MHz (+173.7%) at the 48th month, respectively.

Conclusion: A proper diet and exercise improved bone quality recovery in the elders.

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