Some dietary characteristics of patients with hepatitis treated at Hoa Binh General Hospital in 2020

Nguyen Thanh Hai, Pham Thi Dung, Nguyen Trong Hung

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A cross-sectional descriptive study on 102 subjects by interviewed questions and collected test results in medical records with the following objectives: Evaluation some dietary characteristics of hepatitis patients treated at Hoa Binh General Hospital 2020.

Results: The average value of dietary energy were 1852.0±525.7 Kacl/day; Protein were 67.8±23.3g/day; Lipid were 36.0±16.6g/day; Glucid were 315.2±94.3g/day. The aver age percentage of energy from Protein were 14.7±2.6%, from Lipid were 17.3±6.3% and predominately from Glucid were 68.2±7.9%. The percentage of subjects met energy, Protein, Lipid and Glucid requirements were 42.2%; 45.1%; 16.7% and 48.0%. The percentage of subjects met the requirements for minerals calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc in the diet were 8.8%, respectively; 71.6%; 66.7% and 37.3%. The percentage of subjects met the requirements for vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C in the diet were 6.9%, respectively; 56.9%; 12.7% and 36.3%. Conclusion: Patients with hep atitis did not meet the recommended ratio of the needs of 3 energy-producing substances (P, L, G); vitamins (A, B1, B2, C) and minerals (Ca, P, Fe, Zn) are still quite high.

It is necessary to strengthen communication and individual nutrition counseling more often in clinical departments, especially disease groups at high risk of malnutrition.

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