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Under the support of Vietnam Nutrition Association, Ho Chi Minh city Association of Food and Nutrition organized 10th Open Nutrition Conference with the topic “Nutritional intervention in infectious diseases” on July 30th, 2022 at 272 Convention Center. Ho Chi Minh city aimed to update recommendations and experience in the nutritional intervention for infectious diseases and immune health for health workers.

The Open Ho Chi Minh City Nutrition Conference was established in 2012, and over 10 years has established itself as the pre-eminent international gathering for experts in nutrition in August every year at Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City Nutrition and Food Association organizes the conference with the support of Vietnam Nutrition Association, Ho Chi Minh City Nutrition Center. The Conference is an exceptional opportunity for delegates to engage with the updating knowledges in nutriton, as well a stimulating setting for networking and reconnecting.


 The 10th Ho Chi Minh City Open Nutrition Conference had 500 delegates from a range of disciplines; including clinicians, policy makers, scientists from more than 150 medical organizations and universities and institutes in nearly 40 provinces and cities attended the conference directly and online via webinar. The conference is honored to be welcomed Assoc. Prof. Pham Ngoc Khai- President of Vietnam Nutrition Association, Prof. Le Thi Hop- President of Vietnam Women Intellectual Association, Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung- President of Ho Chi Minh City Medical Association, Assoc. Prof. Truong Tuyet Mai - Deputy Director of the National Institute of Nutrition, Dr. Nguyen Van Vinh Chau - Deputy Director of the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City and leaders of Vietnam Nutrition Association, Nutrition and Food Association of Ho Chi Minh City, reasearch instutute. universities, and hospitals

There are 12 fascinating scientific topics in 3 thematic sessions on " Infectious diseases: challenges and intervention solutions "; “nutrition and immune health”; “ Nutritional intervention in COVID-19”. The recommendations from the conference were: Infectious diseases have always been an endless challenge of medicine, infectious disease is both a cause and effect of nutritional disorders, and recommendations for nutrition in infectious diseases. Many holistic solutions are needed to help humanity overcome the challenge of infectious diseases, including solutions for early detection of potential pandemic agents, accurate, timely and accurate diagnosis, identify the characteristics of the causative agent, research to find out specific treatment modalities as well as supportive treatment for complications caused by the agent; especially solutions to strengthen the body's immune system. Certain vitamins, essential anino acids, and trace elements have been shown to play an important role in supporting the human immune system and reducing the risk of infection. Other essential nutrients including other vitamins and trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids are also important.



Approved by the Standing Committee of Vietnam Nutrition Association, the Pediatric Nutrition Association succesfully organized the scientific workshop with the topic “ Pediatric immune- boosting nutrition” with the attendance of more than 300 members of Pediatric Nutrition Associationg from the district heath centers, pediatric hospitals of the northern and central provinces, guests from Hanoi Medical University and Thai Binh Medical University.


Assoc. Prof. Pham Ngoc Khai, President of the Vietnam Nutrition Association had the opening speech on the direction of developing scientific research activities, applying technological advances in nutritional care.

Dr. Le Thi Hai, President of Pediatric Nutrition Branch had a speech remarked the topic of the workshop.

The conference included 3 presentations about different topics:

  • “Overview of COVID-19 – post-covid in children and updated treatment regimens” by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Kinh, Vice President of Vietnam Medical Association
  • "Immune-boosting diet" of Prof. Nguyen Thi Lam - Vice President of Pediatric Nutrition Branch, President of the Nutrition Clinical Association
  • "Role of micronutrients in strengthening immunity" by Dr. Phan Bich Nga, Vice President of Pediatric Nutrition Branch, Head of Pediatric Nutrition Examination and Consulting Department, National Institute of

Experts agreed that besides complying with wearing masks and disinfecting, it is necessary for children to have with a healthy immune system with a very important contribution of nutrition. The conference provided a wealth of information on COVID-19 and post-COVID treatment regimens as well as the critical role of diet, particularly micronutrients in boosting pediatric immunity.




The Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences applies an online publishing process from submitting the manuscript, through peer-review, revising, editing, profreading and online publishing through the specialized software.

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Cordially announce:

The Vietnam Journal of Nutrition and Food starts receiving the manusripts for the first English issue after 18 years of publishing Vietnamese issues.

The author don’t have to pay for publication fee, the journal support the English check.

We look forward to the support, contributuon of the teachers, scientist, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students and everyone.

The manuscript will have peer-review to further improve the article’s quality.

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