Instruction for authors can be retrieved at

Guidelines to submit revised paper and responses to reviewers's comments


Aims and Scope

Journal of Nutrition and Food publishes original research, case report, reviews, methodology, comment, book reviews, and information on nutrition and food sciences and other relevant sectors such as:

  • Technical methods in agro-forestry-fishery production and product preservation related to quality, quantity and composition of nutrients;
  • Food technology and nutrients composition of food;
  • Formulas development and manufacturing nutritional products for targeted populations
  • Food composition;
  • Research on individual and community diet;
  • Nutrition needs and meal structure of the Vietnamese.
  • Nutrition status (malnutrition, overweight, obesity, micronutrient deficiency) of the population and its associations with health, growth, development, and quality of life;
  • Relationships between nutrition and disorders/diseases (e.g. type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and cancers);
  • Breastfeeding and complementary feedings;
  • Nutrition status assessment for inpatients;
  • Design menus and evaluate the effectiveness of the menus applied;
  • Nutrition therapy in the hospital including intravenous and oral feeding;
  • Reports on nutrition therapies and experience;
  • Preventive nutritional care for people at high risk of chronic diseases (such as diabetes, dyslipidemia, obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension...
  • Individualized nutritional care for people with chronic diseases in the community
  • Interactions between nutrition and physical activity;
  • Fermented products and their role in nutrition and disease prevention;
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of micronutrient supplementation for different populations;
  • Nutrition for growth and development at different stages of the life cycle from infancy to old age;
  • Nutrition to maintain and improve health in sub-groups and ages (mothers, children, adolescents, perimenopause, menopause, the elderly,...);
  • Food security, nutrition surveillance;
  • School nutrition and occupational nutrition;
  • Research methods and models of human nutrition and food;
  • Research methods and models of nutrition and food on cells and animals in laboratories;
  • Intestinal microbiota, metabolism of substances and nutrients,
  • Human genome and absorption and metabolism of nutrients;
  • Effects of nutrients on gene expression and health and diseases;
  • Molecular biology of nutrient metabolism;
  • Nutritional physiology, basal metabolism, physical activity;
  • Interaction of medicine and food;
  • Cooking techniques, food processing and nutrition;
  • Hygiene practice in eating and food safety;
  • Cultural and social factors and nutrition
  • Food safety examination.


Responsibilities of authors

Journal of Nutrition and Food would like to request authors to follow the regulations for authors’ responsibilities below:

  • Have responsibilities for the entire content of the research, including the accuracy and integrity. Contents of the article have not been published or are under review for publication in any other journal.
  • Compliance with copyright rules, including listing authors who have made significant contributions to the manuscript and excluding those who did not contribute to the article or were not involved in the research. Authors should carefully consider the order of authors before submitting their manuscript.
  • If the study involves human participation, ethical consideration should be ensured and information about the ethical approval should be provided in the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts should be compiled with the guidelines set forth by the Journal.
  • Authors should respond promptly to any questions during publication processing and be prepared to provide supporting documents for the manuscript (if requested).
  • Authors should specify all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript, including financial, consulting, institutional and other relationships that could lead to bias or conflict of interest.
  • When an author discovers a serious error or inaccuracy in his published work, the author is obliged to immediately notify the editor-in-chief and cooperate with the editorial secretary to retract or correct errors


Regulations for research integrity

By submitting manuscripts to the Journal, the author and co-authors commit that the submitted manuscript is based on the work done by the authors themselves. Authors and co-authors are responsible for complying with research ethics and publishing; have responsibility for the content of the manuscript, the accuracy and integrity of the content (full and correct citation; the data and results are truthful, and has not been tampered with and/or modified). Please see Responsibilities of authors for more details


Copyrights and authors’ commitment

The corresponding author is advised to contact to the Journal of Nutrition and Food to sign a contract with the Editor-in-Chief before publishing the manuscript with the following contents:

  • The corresponding author represents for the authors team has responsible for the manuscript;
  • Each author is entitled to a maximum of 2 articles in one issue;
  • Manuscript submitted is published for the first time and has not been published in any domestic and/or international journals;
  • The data presented in the manuscript are truthful and are the research results of the authors named in the article;
  • All authors named in the manuscript have read the manuscript, agreed to the order of authorship and agreed to submit it;
  • There is no conflict of interest between the authors listed in the manuscript and other authors;
  • The research took into account the ethical aspects approved by Ethical Committees;
  • The author is responsible to the public and relevant authorities, and obeys applicable regulations in Vietnam for the contents of the article;
  • Journal of Nutrition and Food has the full right to use the article if it is published for promoting to readers.


Types of manuscripts

  • Original research
  • Case report
  • Reviews
  • Methodology
  • Comment
  • Book reviews
  • Information on medical and pharmaceutical technology


 Manuscript formats

  • All submissions must be edited in Vietnamese, using the same terms, transcriptions, and units of measurement in accordance with the State's regulations. The manuscript is formatted in Microsoft Word file, image format: *.tif or *.jpg, using Unicode encoding: TCVN 6909:2001, Times New Roman font style, A4 size, font size 12, spacing between lines is 1.5 and set the margin each way to 2.5
  • The manuscript should be presented in complete sentences and paragraphs, avoiding bulleted lists.
  • Initials are written in full and explained in the first appearance in the manuscript. There is a list of abbreviations.
  • Main sections are numbered in Roman numerals (I, II…); sub-sections are typed according to the Arabic numeral system (1.2; 1.2.1….) but not exceeding 3 digits.
  • Use "Table" for data presented in tables and "Figure" for charts, diagrams, and Tables or figures are numbered according to the order in which they appear and use bold letters such as Table 1, Table 2, etc. or Figure 1, Figure 2...).
  • Titles of Tables and Figures are left-aligned and lowercase italic used. Text in the tables is left-aligned and not bolded
  • The quantity of tables and figures should not exceed 6 for each manuscript. Each table should have no more than 8 columns and 15 rows. Hide the vertical bar and leave only some horizontal lines.
  • Figures are not outlined. Name of the figure with an explanation of the symbols in the figure should be provided and self-fully explained.
  • Use n for the sample size and represent p values with up to 3 decimal places for probability test or p < 0.001 when needed, or present as 5 *10-6for very small p value).
  • Do not abbreviate in titles, tables and figure name except in some special cases. Limit abbreviations to tables and figures.
  • Provide description under the tables for the data presentation format (eg mean± standard deviation or standard error, median (interquartile range), quantity (%)) or other appropriate format. The abbreviations in the table (if any) and the names of the appropriate statistical tests should be noted.
  • Tables and figures are integrated into the main manuscript at the appropriate location, and original image files (graphs, images) with a resolution of at least 300 dpi should be sent separately from the main text of the manuscript.


Reference formats

  • Number references in square brackets in the order they appear in the citation [1] or [2, 5], [3, 6-9].
  • Cite the documents directly related to the work only.
  • Cite original documents, do not cite through other authors’.
  • Do not separate Vietnamese and English references, do not present them in alphabetical order A, B, C...
  • Do not cite websites or popular newspapers or conference reports that have not been peer-reviewed.
  • If there are multiple authors in the reference, the first three may be presented and abbreviated as “cs”. (Vietnamese document) or “et al.”(English document).
  • Format the references as American Medical Association (AMA) style reference format. Specific examples:

Original research articles

  1. Lê Danh Tuyên, Lê Thị Hợp, Nguyễn Công Khẩn, Hà Huy Khôi. Xu hướng tiến triển suy dinh dưỡng thấp còi và các giải pháp can thiệp trong giai đoạn mới 2011-2020. Tạp chí Dinh dưỡng và Thực phẩm. 2010;6(3+4):15–24.
  2. Vuong LN, Dang VQ, Ho TM, et al. IVF transfer of fresh or frozen embryos in women without polycystic ovaries. N Engl J Med. 2018;378(2):137–147.

Book (Vietnamese, English)

  1. Viện Dinh dưỡng. Nhu cầu dinh dưỡng khuyến nghị cho người Việt Nam. Nxb Y học, Hà Nội, 2016:30–32.
  2. Lwanga SK, Lemeshow S. Sample size determination in health studies, A practical manual. World Health Organization. Geneva 1991:1–6.

Book chapter/section

  1. Chianelli RR, Daage M, Ledoux MJ. Fundamental studies of transition-metal sulfide catalytic materials. In Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 40, edited by Eley DD, Pines H, and Haag WO. 1994. Burlington, Mass.: Academic Press.

Website {direct reference to the website}

  1. WHO Multicentre Growth Reference Study Group: WHO Child Growth Standards: Length/ height-for-age, weight-for-age, weight-for-length, weight-for-height and body mass index-for-age: Methods and development. World Health Organization, Geneva 2006. Accessed August 5, 2016 at: http://www.who. int/childgrowth/standards/technical_report/en/ index.html.





Original research

Manuscripts of original research should not exceed 3500 word length, 8 standard pages, and 5 Tables and Figures, including Tables, Figures, references and abstract.

First pages consists of two parts:

  • Vietnamese: Title, authors’ name and their affiliation, abstract and key words
  • English: Title, authors’ name, abstract, and key words

Abstract not exceed 250 words with sections that start with a bold letter, structured as follows:

  • Objectives: State the objectives of the study.
  • Methodology: Present the study design, sample size and main method of data collection and statistical analysis.
  • Results: Present the main results that meet the research objectives
  • Conclusion: summarize and generalize the results according to the research objectives
  • Key words: Using italics text, choose 3-5 keywords that reflect the research content


  • Define or state the research problem and its importance
  • Summary of the results resolved and not resolved on the research issue
  • Present the research questions/problems to be solved
  • Present the research hypotheses and reasons for forming the hypotheses (if any)
  • Reasons for choosing subjects and research locations
  • The authors should present a logic flow from the above sections leading to the research objectives.


2.1. Study design and population description (in population study)

Complete paragraphs fully reflect the following contents should be prepared:

  • Type of study design (cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, intervention, experimental, research model...)
  • Characteristics of the study population (if the study is on the population) or study location and study time.
  • Name of ethics committee and ethical approval for the research. Ask the participant or a legal representative (eg, the child's parents) to sign a consent form to participate in the study.

2.2. Participants

  • Participants
  • Inclusion criteria
  • Exclusion criteria

2.3. Sample size and sampling

  • Formula to calculate sample size and parameters to calculate with r
  • If sample size calculation is not included, explain the reasons for choosing the total number of participa
  • If the sample is not randomly selected (intentional), the purposes of this selection should be presented. If random sampling or distribution is used, the method of random sampling should be clearly stated.
  • Process, stages/steps of sampling from the population.
  • The actual results obtained; how many participants dropped out the research and the reason for dropping out.

2.3. Data collection

  • Types of data and methods of collection (direct interview...), measurement, analysis.
  • Types of samples or specimens (blood, serum, urine...) and methods of sampling, storage, transport, storage conditions, time from sampling to analysis.
  • Methods of testing and experimentation (including chemicals, biological products, names of machinery, equipment, and manufacturer origin are presented corresponding to each experiment, not separated into separate sections)
  • The evaluation thresholds and reliable references or present the basis for selecting the threshold for classifying quantitative variables into qualitative variables.
  • Methods to limit errors in data collection.

2.4. Data analysis

  • Data management, methods to limit data entry errors.
  • Eligible data included in the analyses (if any).
  • Presentation of qualitative and quantitative data
  • Statistical tests used and purposes for each research indicator testing.
  • Analytical models used and purposes of analyse
  • multivariate analysis (if any) should be performed to determine the associated factors or risk factors.
  • If random sampling was used, it is necessary to estimate the conversion for the entire study population from the sample.
  • Analytical methods to evaluate intervention effectiveness (if it is an intervention study)
  • Statistical software used for analyse
  • The p-value threshold is considered to be statistically significant


  • Results should be presented by objectives, up to 5 tables and figures. Need to convert Figures with little information should be converted and described by text.
  • Do not discuss and no subjective opinions in the Results section.
  • Text should summarize the main findings from the data in tables or figures, without re-listing the data presented in the tables or figures.


If the study has many findings, for each major finding

  • Summarize each key finding
  • Explain results, interprete results, and evaluate the extents of results
  • Formation mechanism if any
  • Compare the results with other national and international studies
  • Recommendations for each finding. Do not make recommendations that are not derived from the results of the study.

Discussion on the method (if needed)

Strengths and limitations of the study


  • Summarize or generalize the main results achieved in accordance with the research objectives.
  • Do not list or repeat the data presented in the Results section.
  • Do not bullet or number the conclusion.
  • Key recommendations can be presented.


  • It is necessary to recognize the help of individuals, groups, agencies, organizations and projects that have collaborated and supported to carry out the research.
  • Record the sponsoring agency and project number (if any).

References: The number of References should not exceed 30, see detailed instructions in the References Formats section.



The review article must be not exceed 4,500 words (about 10 standard pages) in length, including figures, tables, References and abstracts in Vietnamese and English. The first page includes the title in Vietnamese, the name of authors and their affiliation, the Vietnamese abstract, keywords and English in the general format of the manuscripts.


  • Introduce the issues to be reviewed
  • Reasons for conducting the review
  • The significance of the review topic
  • The author's point of view and approach used for review
  • Objective of the review


  • Scope of the review
  • Techniques of documents searching,
  • Documents sources, keywords used
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria for documents selection,
  • Methods of synthesizing the contents


  • Presenting the results searched,
  • Summary information about the articles included in the review
  • Results by objectives.
  • Can be divided into subsections according to the author's point of view and approach
  • It is advisable to identify future research trends on the review topics.
  • Priority should be given to documents published in the most recent time


  • Discuss the Results reviewed
  • Knowledge drawn from the review
  • Shortcomings that the review has not mentioned


Generalize the results reviewed. Do not repeat the data presented in the Results section. Do not bullet or number the conclusion.


AcknowledgementsThanks to the individuals, groups, subjects, agencies and/or organizations who supported the review

References: The number of References should not exceed 100, see detailed instructions in the References Formats section.


Case study

Case study manuscripts must be not exceed 3,000 words and no more than 7 standard pages including tables and figures), not more than 5 tables and figures. References and abstracts in Vietnamese and English. The first page includes the title in Vietnamese, name of the authors and agency, the Vietnamese abstract, keywords in the general format.


Introduce the social and historical context of the case, helping readers understand the benefits of accessing the case.


Describe the circumstances of case discovery, plan, management and treatment procedures, and treatment results.


Presenting explanations about the circumstances of the case and the results obtained.


It is necessary to clearly state the main conclusions drawn from the case, clearly explain the importance and extent of influence, contribution to medicine and premise for future medical research/advancement.

 AcknowledgementsThanks to the individuals, groups, subjects, agencies and/or organizations who supported the case report.

References: The number of References should not exceed 30, see detailed instructions in the References Formats section.



  • Comments should not exceed 1,500 words (no more than 3 pages), including tables, figures, References.
  • These are manuscripts for the purposes of commenting, evaluating, contributing ideas on issues in nutrition and food, particularly emerging issues of scientific significance or outstanding practical issues. The purpose is to create a broad forum for managers, researchers, manufacturers, businessmen..., to serve public health from a scientific perspective
  • Format: Title; the content of the article (can be divided into many sub-sections), which presents the purpose of the article, opinions, judgments, comments, and evaluations of the author; Conclusion: Main ideas for the article and comments and suggestions (if any); authors’ name and address, cite and references according to general rules. 


Book review

  • Each introduction should not exceed 1200 words (about 2 standard pages).
  • Book introduction is a review of books or documents (monograms, references, textbooks, guidelines) on new issues in Vietnam in Nutrition and Food.
  • Format: Title of the book or document; Name of authors, publisher; book size, number of pages, number of References; Content and form of the book; The approach to access books/documents. The name of the author of the introductory manuscript. A pdf image of the book or document can be attached.
  • Manuscript is an introduction (full text or excerpt) to legal documents, official guidance documents for emerging issues in the field of nutrition and food in the country and internationally announced in recent times.
  • Format: document name; The main content of the document (full text, abstract or excerpt); Name of issuing agency/organization; authors and authors’ address


Information and translation

  • Information manuscripts should not exceed 600 words (about 1 standard page).
  • Full References and cited data sources are required. The information must clearly state the origin; all translations (full text, excerpt or summary) must be accompanied by photocopies of the full text of the original documents in a foreign language.
  • These are informative manuscripts on scientific research results or scientific - technological events related to the field of nutrition and food nationally and internationally, published in the latest time. It can be a first-time article, a translation from a foreign document, a full-text article or an extract from a program or project's documents.
  • Format: Title; Main content of information and events; Author's name and address.
  • If it is a translated article or an excerpt, it is necessary to specify the original material and get the consent of the authors and the publisher for copyright issues.