Author needs to register to have a username and a password.

Username: hovaten

Password: xxxxxx (author should change password after log in)


Step 1) Author selects LOG IN in the panel at

Enter username and password and select Log in as following:

(Select Forgot your password? to change password)

Step2Select "New submission"

Step 3) Submit an Article

Tick items as below. Select Save and continue .


Step4)  Upload submision files

Points Components 

Selelect Title, authors, email and abstract 

Select Upload file


Select other file to submit

Select Full-text 

Select Upload




Select Add Another file

Author has to submit  2 required files, and can upload other optional files.




Select Save and continue.


Step 5) Enter Metadata


Enter Title 

Add Authors

Enter Abstract 

Enter References in AMA style

Select Save and continue


Steps 6. Finish submission




Select OK


Author can check the process

from submission, review, revision, edition, profreading, and publication .